Be your own Valentine

Posted On Feb 05, 2023 |

You are your own constant companion - pour some love onto yourself. And if you are up for it - create a fabulous vest that makes you feel sassy.

Valentine's is coming up. It's a great opportunity to val-ue yourself. Do something fun for yourself - regardless of your relationship status.

Instead of getting suc.ked into mass marketing hysteria and Instagram and Facebook posts with "buy, buy, buy - that's how you show love", pull your energy inside and love and cherish yourself. The way you are right now. You have been, you are and you will be your own constant companion. So - why not pour some love and caring on yourself?

It can be by treating yourself to some flowers or to that special chocolate.
Dress up in your favorite clothes and jewelry - just for yourself. At home.
Sit down for coffee or tea and dessert or chocolate with a candle burning. Play some nice music.

Or relish the exquisite silence.
Write a letter of love to yourself. If you don't love yourself - how can you expect someone else to love you? So, get a pen out and shower yourself with love and all the wonderful things that you appreciate about yourself. Don't be shy. Be as generous with yourself as you are with others. It's really quite uplifting.

If you feel like buying something because it makes you happy, go for it. Pick something from a small designer or store. You double or triple the joy that way - you are happy, they are happy and if it brings you joy to give it to someone, then that person is happy, too.

If you want to make it super special for yourself or your friend/daughter/mom/employee - make something.
When you create something with your hands, you not only feel happy while making it, but you also feel so happy and proud of what you can do. Check out this awesome Drama Vest in the photo.

It's just a rectangle with 2 holes in it. You can make it from a piece of fabric that drapes nicely. (this fabric is available HERE)

Or make it really amazing and hand paint it.

Or take a T-shirt or any other piece of clothing and have fun splashing some paint on it. Create your own art to wear!
It's really simple and tremendously fun with my methods.

When you splash paint freely you'll feel like a kid again - letting loose and having joy that bubbles out from deep inside. You see great results within just a few minutes. And you get a beautiful piece of clothing. You feel sassy when you wear it. 

Instructions are in my FREE "Joy of Creating with Fabrics". It's a compilation of short, fun ways to create something with your hands - and get something really fun and special to wear.

Above all else, be kind to yourself, love and appreciate yourself.

Sending you love. I value and appreciate you tremendously.


P.S.: And if you decide that it makes you happy to treat yourself to a fabulous hand painted top or a special necklace that uplifts, soothes and nourishes you. I am back into making jewelry again. It's utter joy. 
Both the painted clothes and jewelry are on the same website
And this is a direct link for jewelry.

Photo credits
for the hearts, the letter/pen and the coffee set-up: Pixabay - it's my favorite stock photo website.

Categories: : easy to do clothes, inspirational stories