Doodle Magic

Doodling is the Fastest and most Relaxing Way to Feeling Calm and Joyful. Regardless of what's going on in the world or in your life.

This is a H2 heading

 Sign up to get notified when this FREE course opens.
Planned for around late October to mid November, 2024.

Please, put "Doodle Magic" into the comment box.

Play like a kid.
 And get tremendous inner joy and calm.

Often within just a few minutes.

Doodling is "like a magic pill".

The outside world is going bonkers. It leaves our nervous systems rattled. Many of us feel anxious, depressed, lonely, overwhelmed and stressed out.

We need fast acting remedies to regain our inner balance, strength and joy. So we can be healthy - emotionally, mentally and physically.

Doodling is “like a magic pill for having joy in an adverse world”. 
( Connie Meyer)

The Magic of Doodling

Doodling is like no other art method.
When you doodle, the brain shifts into the pleasure giving center - like with any art that you do consciously.

However, with doodling you don't put the pressure of a beautiful result on yourself.
You can allow yourself to "just" play.

And that's exactly where the magic happens much faster.

You can be calm and happy and joyful literally within just a few minutes!

Turn your doodles into stunning T-shirts - like the one on the left.

"When you can stay calm and joyful, you significantly reduce the time you spend on being depressed, frustrated, lonely or overwhelmed.

Instead you can be happy and find creative solutions."

Client Wins:

"I thought I was quite relaxed. But this is taking it to a whole other level."

 Lynn Edmonds

"Who would have thought doodling can do THIS!

Just a few minutes and I feel so relaxed now. I can see doing this with my friends when they come over."
Tara K.

Turn your doodles into art that you are proud of.

I show you how you can turn even your most humble doodles into fabulous art to wear or to hang on your walls.

It's like wearing your joy and looking at your joy.
Over and over!
Which increases your happiness - again and again.

Hot Tip:

Turn your doodles into gifts!
It will save you lots of money.
And the recipients will treasure what they get!

  • copy your doodles and frame them.
  • use them as wrapping paper for small gift items.
  • have them printed onto clothes, accessories and more.

 Sign up to get notified when this FREE course opens.
Planned for around late October to mid November, 2024.

Please, put "Doodle Magic" into the comment box.

Monika Astara Murphy

Hello there! I'm Monika Astara, your guide on these fabulous creative journeys.
I am also the creator of the Wearable Art brand "Monika Astara" that I started in 1987. 
Providing women with fun, comfortable clothes that light them up has been my full time art career ever since.

I love all things creative. Always have. 
Even though my art teacher told me for 6 years that I had no creative bone in my body.
I didn't "get" the traditional rules - and always came up with unconventional ways to create.
Which resulted in her rolling her eyes, hissing and yelling at me for years.

If you have had similar experiences - awesome!
That means you are FREE to create from your heart - without restrictive rules.

I am here to guide you to use my unconventional methods and super simple patterns.
So you can feel, see, touch and wear gorgeous clothes and art that make you happy and proud. 
From there you can turn it into your very own creative expressions.

In the process you cultivate exquisite, sustainable inner calm and joy. 
So you can live in a wonky world and stay internally happy and strong - while wearing happy clothes and look at happy art.

A little more about Monika:

Growing up in rural Germany,  after World War II, money and resources were scarce. 
Gifts weren't bought - they were made from anything that was naturally and cheaply available. 
Monika and her family made water wheels from twigs and leaves, houses from cardboard and sticks.
When Monika was 10, she made clothes from old curtains in the attic.

Monika thrives on taking complicated processes and techniques and coming up with simpler, faster, more fun methods - while still getting the same or even more awesome results.

Going online with courses brings my 2 passions together:
making beautiful things with the hands and inspiring and teaching others to create freely and joyfully

I invite you - whether you are a beginner or an advanced professional -  to join me on beautiful creative journeys.
They ignite and enhance your natural joy, boost your confidence and give you instant gratifications at every short step.

Monika Astara Studio is your place where you create freely and with lots of joy!


Chris Carlson

Jewelry Artist

"I am doodling at night.
It's sooo calming. I am sleeping better.
And doodling keeps me from eating snacks mindlessly."
Chris Carlson

 Sign up to get notified when the FREE Doodle Magic opens.
Planned for around late October to mid November, 2024.

Please, put "Doodle Magic" into the comment box.