Creative Joy

Simple, effective ways how you can use Creative Play to increase joy and free up time in your business and life, so you can do the things you love.

Science proves that most often it is the fastest way to feel happy and calm.

Sign up now with the link above - or on the bottom of the page.
The Creative Joy Course kicks off June 15. YAY!

Details will be emailed!

This $197.- course is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

"The heartbeat of our business and personal life is our ability to stay calm, focused and happy - regardless of inner or outer circumstances.

 When we can stay calm and joyful, we significantly reduce the time we spend on being frustrated, depressed or overwhelmed.

Instead we can find creative solutions. 

Monika Astara Murphy - backed by science

For most of us, creating with the hands is the fastest and most playful way to feel calm and happy.

You don't have to sweat in a gym or twist your body into a bretzel to feel relaxed and happy.

Creating allows the brain to shift into the pleasure giving center.
Most often faster than meditation - according to research.
You feel calm, happy and joyful.

You then work more efficiently - with better results. 
Which automatically saves you a bunch of time.

You now have freed up time to do the things you love!

It's even backed by extensive scientific research.

The "Golden Key" is in HOW you create.

It prevents you from getting frustrated and tense.

And it lets you create "Joy on Demand".

In Creative Joy you explore:

 5 playful ways on paper that ignite and deepen your innate creativity.
Delivered in 5 online modules with video lessons, PDFs and
2 live Zoom sessions (with replays).

Each way of cultivating inner calm and joy consists of 2-4 different options of creating on paper.
Each lesson is SHORT and complete in itself.

It's instant gratification!
(And no matter how old we are - don't we just love "short" and "gratifications"?!)

You also get 2 super sweet BONUSES.
Details are at the bottom of the page.

Simple Supplies

You most likely have all of these items.

The paints are available at most craft stores - and online.

They can be substituted with whatever paints you already have.

Using less materials for multiple results, stimulates the creative center of the brain - and boosts confidence and joy.

Classic Black and White

Remember the doodling you did as a kid?

A version of that is still one of the fastest "calming agents" - especially if you use the Golden Key from this Course.

It also makes super stunning Art.
It might just knock your socks off.

You can do this ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.

Uplifting Colors

A little fooling is a good thing here.
It's "painting" without a brush!

Using materials and methods that are unusual and out of the traditional, can greatly expand our ability to come up with creative solutions for daily challenges.

At the same time, it's also a super fun way to make practical things like greeting cards.

Simple does it!

Total confidence booster:
the shirt and mug are printed with photos of papers that are super fun and fast to do with lids and oats.

No talent required!

No special space required. Heck - you can even create sitting in your recliner with a piece of cardboard on your lap.

No fancy supplies.

Just (copy) paper, scissors, pen, Sharpie, 3-5 small craft store paints, a simple brush and a few things you usually throw in the trash:
bottle caps, an old credit card or stiff lid from a food box.

Yes! It's THAT simple!

You can even do it with your kids.

I can smudge paint and switch into being happy? " 

It's about giving your brain the conditions to relax into the space where you can access your natural creativity and joy.
Absolutely no talent required.

I know! It sounds crazy good! And it really is!

In my world it's gotta be fun!

That's why I have always come up with my own unconventional methods. 

They are playful, joyful and faster than traditional ones. And - YAY! - they really do give you instant gratifications.

In the process I discovered the Golden Key that makes a significant difference in the benefits you get from creating.

Gorgeous art in 5-10 minutes.
No paint brush and absolutely no talent required.

What Clients say

(more comments are on other pages of the website)

"It's brilliant!"

" I always thought that your art must be complicated and involved.
But it's so SIMPLE!
It's brilliant!"
Michelle B., artist

"It's quite liberating!"

  "Monika, what you are offering is something so special. I haven't seen anything like it.
I must say I quite enjoy the freedom to splash paint freely. It took me out of my comfort zone.
It is quite liberating."
Lindsay Cash

Do you think you are not creative?

That's a devastating myth!

We are all born creative!
Just watch kids play.

We'll bust that myth.
And you can create happily ever after.

Doesn't this look like multiple layers of paint were applied with skill?
Surprise! It took less than two minutes!

Hello, I am Monika Astara, your guide on this fabulous journey.

"You have no creative bone in your body!  
God must have been asleep when He created you!"  

That's what my art teacher told me for 6 years.
You most likely  have your own version of this in your life.

It might also have hampered your creativity for a while - like it did for me. So I first became a teacher.

But after 10 years my passion for artful expressions won. 
I took the plunge - and have been a full time, successful artist and art wear designer since 1987.

From the very beginning I have always come up with my own fast, playful unconventional methods. My teacher wasn't a fan of them.

But my students say they haven't had this much joy and happiness and that they haven't seen most of the methods  - and none of the clothing painting techniques - anywhere else.

 Inspiring and guiding you to create in ways that light you up and boost your confidence, totally lights me up.

I so look forward to meeting you on the INSIDE of Creative Joy!

Let's round up the goodies you've gained by the end of Creative Joy

You have simple tools to get yourself from overwhelmed, depressed, feeling scattered to feeling calm, happy and focused.

It frees up precious time you can use to do things that you love! And it increases your joy in life and business.

You can use the black and white tools anywhere and anytime. Even while sitting in a meeting or in a waiting room.

You have experienced and have proof that something as simple as playing on papers absolutely can shift your mood within minutes.

You can do this with your kids or grandkids - and get quality time in that feels relaxing and rejuvenating for all.

2 Super Sweet Bonuses

Sweet Bonus #1

Sometimes you just need an extra boost - without having to "DO" anything!

I show you how and where you can have even your most humble designs turned into gorgeous printed creations that lift you up on those days.

Imagine drinking your coffee out of your own art mug.
Or sitting at your desk or strolling around in your own art shirt.
Or looking at your own art on the walls.

Can you feel how it lights you up?!
How it makes you smile and you relax - just by being reminded of your natural inner joy?!

Sweet Bonus #2

3 easy, fun ways to jump start your creativity on those days when you WANT you create, but you feel like you neither have time, nor energy and not a creative bone in your body.

Ready to sign up? Scroll down past the Questions.

Questions you might have:

It's available indefinitely. Some call it life time. But it's forever long it has "juice" for you and me.

No problem! There will be replays. But in person is sooo much better.
So make it a point to attend live.

It starts June 15 CST with a live Zoom - and the first Module!
The other 4 Modules are released 3 days apart - June 18, 21, 24 and 17. All are CST - Central Standard Time.
Details for the exact time for the first session on June 15 are sent to your email by June 14.
Add Monika@MonikaAstara to your contacts to make sure you get the notification emails and LINKS!

The Course is delivered on 5 dates - 3 days apart.
June 15, 18, 20, 24 and 27. By noon CST.
From June 27 CST onwards the whole Course is available to you indefinitely.
All dates are CST - Central Standard Time.
It gives you time to actually do the simple exercises and get the benefits from them.

You can access it from computer, phone and tablets.
It's might be most fun on the computer, where you get clear, big views.

You get an email confirmation.
Make sure you save your logins and the email you signed up with.
You also get fun sneak peeks into the course leading up to the kick-off.
As well as 2 gorgeous art works that you can download and print out for your personal use - or for gifts.

Join the private FREE Facebook "Creative Joy Club".
Ask your questions there. I will be checking in there daily.
Or ask during the live Zooms. If you HAVE to miss the Zoom sessions, send in your questions to me

You most likely already have everything.
I will send you an email with the supply list.

When you create like kids do - exploring and experimenting, without expectations - you open the space in your brain and heart where natural joy lives and grows.

Click below to get yourself some delicious Creative Joy.
This $197.- Course is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Creative Joy -
Mini Course
