And you can apply the same principles in everyday life.
I've even tried it when I was in the gym.
With zero motivation.
Lynn Edmonds
Imagine, you are "just" smudging paint onto a piece of copy paper with a plastic bag for a few minutes.
There is no agenda of making a piece of art.
You are simply playing for the pure joy of it.
No matter how messy it looks, you can always find a beautiful detail in it.
Take a photo of it and have it printed into a stunning artwork.
Small, or big like in the photo.
Can you feel the satisfaction, joy, contentment and awe spread from your heart into your body and mind?!
Imagine the fun when you smudge paint with a household trash item - and within minutes you get results like in this picture.
Awesome! I am the same way!
Life becomes brighter.
You have more fun doing daily tasks.
You create with more joy.
You move with more vigor.
You stand taller.
You have more energy.
You feel more balanced and focused.
You have confidence in your abilities.
You are more likely to explore and have fun.
You keep a twinkle in your eyes.
It was because you absolutely embody what you teach!... Your voice and your face exude joy!...
Your calmness and joy is the best example of taking responsibility for one’s state of mind in spite of adversity.
I am so grateful!"
Since you are here, you might relate to this:
during the last 8 years I faced a lot of challenges.
They included excruciating pain and intense panic attacks after unfavorable reactions to anesthesia.
The outer world going bonkers added fuel to the fire.
I was determined to find solutions that gave me a foundation of inner joy and calm that I could sustain even during pain and anxiety.
I researched a lot, took creative courses, observed the highs and lows of others in creative groups. What ultimately did it was experimenting with all kinds of ways of creating while being homebound.
I had just a little space to create on my desk or on my lap in my recliner.
1.) When you are in pain - physically, emotionally or mentally - "normal" creating can often get you even more agitated and frazzled.
You need totally simple ways of creating that bypass the inner critic.
2.) There are 3 pitfalls in creating that prevent that ultimate joy.
As a result I came up with my proprietary GOLDEN KEY method that side steps those culprits.
And you CAN have sustainable JOY while creating - and living.
I saw and keep seeing many other people struggling with challenges and feeling anxious, depressed, lonely and having low energy.
I decided to put what I learnt and is working very well into this Creative Joy course.
Having that key makes a significant difference in the benefits you get from creating.
It can prevent you from getting frustrated and tense.
Instead, it allows you to create with sustainable joy.
Special Treat:
Discover the soothing effect of Monika's
Signature Asemic Calligraphy©.
Course participants call this "therapeutic" - "instant joy" - "so calming" - "so much fun".....
It's awesome as Art, fodder for Collages, Journal covers, Art Books, Cards...and more.
Have fun making exciting, unusual papers:
doodles, asemic calligraphy, smudged papers, dipped papers etc..
They are fabulous for collage fodder, covering journals, making cards, making pendants and earrings.
Make 2 collages with your papers.
As a super Bonus I show you how to have your papers turned into awesome art to wear - and to hang on the walls.
As well as accessories, home decor and more.
It's all about living and creating with peaceful joy - and surrounding yourself with everyday products that constantly reinforce that joy.
You most likely have all of these items.
The paints are available at most craft stores - and online.
They can be substituted with whatever paints you already have.
When you use less materials for multiple results, it stimulates the creative center of the brain - and boosts your confidence and joy.
You can easily put some supplies into a little pouch and create on the go.
Remember the doodling you did as a kid?
It is still one of the fastest ways to calm down and feel joyful. Especially if you use the Golden Key from this Course.
I show you elegant and playful doodling, asemic calligraphy and more.
And how to turn it all into intriguing Zen style art that makes you proud.
You can do this ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.
Even with your kids and grandkids.
A little fooling is a good thing sometimes.
You'll create art and collage fodder that looks like abstract painting. But it's done without a brush!
When you use materials and methods that are unusual, it can greatly expand your ability to come up with creative solutions for challenges in your daily life.
At the same time, it's also a super fun way to make practical things like greeting cards, journal covers, collages. You can have them printed onto pillow cases and more.
No talent required!
No special space required.
You can even create sitting in your recliner with a piece of cardboard on your lap.
No fancy supplies.
Just (copy) paper, scissors, pen, Sharpie, 3-5 small craft store paints, a simple brush and a few things you usually throw in the trash:
bottle and jar caps, an old credit card or stiff lid from a food box.
Absolutely no talent required.
I know! It sounds crazy good!
And it really is!
In my world it's gotta be SIMPLE and JOYFUL!
That's why I have always come up with my own unconventional methods.
They are playful, fun and faster than traditional ones.
And - YAY! - they really do give you instant gratifications.
" I really enjoyed it!
Even doodles you do better!"
Susan Kroeplin
I’ve been doodling at night before bed and it is very relaxing … an added bonus - when I’m mindfully doodling, I’m NOT mindlessly eating junk food!
Chris Carlson
"Monika, you have the happiest voice I think I’ve ever heard! Just finished watching the first set of modules!
I can’t believe you’re making so much wonderful (and joyful!) information available!
There’s real substance!
Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏❤️ !"
Chris Carlson
Monika's decades of passion and love for the art and creativity really ignited the childlike delights within each of her attendees.*
Our creative juice flew under her inspiration...
It is very heartfelt and relaxing.
Sandy Shum
*Parts of the first round of this course were delivered in Zoom sessions.
All the videos with all methods, playful ways of creating and the Golden Key are in the online videos of this course.
Doesn't this look like multiple layers of paint were applied?
Surprise! It took less than two minutes!
Ohhh - "no time" has been one of my "favorite reasons" to say NO too many times to things that would BRING ME JOY.
"No time" - it sounds so logical!
Except - it doesn't hold up.
All I have to do is look at the time spent scrolling on social media.
And - BAM! That excuse is totally out.
Or: what about watching Netflix? Shows?
Sitting around lost worrying for hours at a time?
Can you relate?
And - what do you choose?
"You have no creative bone in your body!
God must have been asleep when He created you!"
That's what my art teacher told me for 6 years.
You most likely have your own version of this in your life.
It might also have hampered your creativity for a while - like it did for me. So I became a teacher first.
I was teaching in public schools, community colleges and a prison.
But after 10 years my passion for artful expressions won.
In 1987 I took the plunge - and have been a full time artist and art wear designer ever since.
I've created over 20.000 pieces that have been selling in high-end boutiques, galleries, shows and my own boutique.
Now I offer them online and at trunk shows.
From the very beginning I have always come up with my own playful unconventional methods. They are simple and fun.
My clients say they haven't had this much joy and happiness.
And that they haven't seen most of the methods anywhere else.
You have joyful, simple tools that can take you from feeling overwhelmed, depressed or scattered to feeling calm, happy and focused.
This kind of creating can make you more focused and efficient at work and at home.
That frees up precious time that you can use to do the things that you love!
You can use the black and white tools anywhere and anytime. Even while sitting in a meeting or in a waiting room or on a plane.
You have experienced that something as simple as playing on papers absolutely can shift your mood within minutes.
You can do this with your kids or grandkids.
Creating together with simple methods provides you with quality time that feels relaxing and rejuvenating for all.
Overall it can greatly increase your joy in life and at work.
Sometimes you just need an extra boost - without having to "DO" anything!
I show you how and where you can have even your most humble designs turned into gorgeous printed creations that lift you up on those days.
Imagine drinking your coffee out of your own art mug.
Or sitting at your desk or strolling around in your own art shirt.
Or looking at your own art on the walls.
Can you feel how it lights you up?!
How it makes you smile and you relax - just by being reminded of your natural inner joy?!
Have your art from the course printed onto products as gifts!
It saves you a bunch of money and time having to search for gifts.
And you give gifts that the recipients will actually love and treasure!
It's available indefinitely.
TBD - around late February/March 2025
You can access it from a computer, phone and tablet.
It might be most fun on the computer, where you get clear, big views.
You have immediate access to the Course!
You get
- an email from and
- an email confirmation from New Zenler, the platform host.
Please complete your registration.
Make sure you
- mark the page where you access the course,
- save your logins and
- the email you signed up with.
Join the private FREE Facebook "Creative Joy Club".
Ask your questions there. I will be checking in there at least twice a week.
Or email me!
We also have live Zoom sessions where you can ask your questions.
Nothing special is needed.
You most likely already have everything.
Pen, Sharpie or Posac pen or any acrylic black pen, paper (copy paper), a few acrylic paints - black, white and 2 colors.
If not - it's all easily available at your local craft store or big box store or on Amazon.
The supply list is in your Playstation 1 - aka Module 1.
To begin, use what you already have.
Experiment with your supplies before buying anything else.
In person courses are fun. However, they cost significantly more.
Plus you have to add in costs for travel, meals, accommodations.
It can get pretty expensive.
They last only a few days. Then you are on your own.
You have to rely on memory and a few notes.
With online courses you always have a front row seat.
With a clear view of everything the instructor does.
You can watch the videos over and over. You can stop and go as you need it.
You get awesome PDF downloads.
You can create at any time of the day or night. In any outfit - or even in your birth suit.
Plus you get continued support in a private Facebook group. And several live Zoom sessions!
You get the course for indefinite length - and can go back to it anytime you need a boost or want more joy.
Deep inner joy is that delicious, nurturing feeling that spreads like sun rays from your heart and mind throughout the body.
It sparkles up your eyes and it makes you smile. You feel confident, content and happy from deep inside.
"Prior to this course, I was someone who didn't really draw.
But your doodling methods were a revelation.
I CAN draw and it was fun!
Even thinking about it makes me feel happy."
Cassandra Martin-Himmons, Master your Stress, Self care coach