Freebies - your Instant Mood Boosters!

Get ready to do happy dances when you make gorgeous clothing pieces to wear - and beautiful art to hang on your walls.

They only take minutes or less than an hour to create.

The joy lasts for years and years.

Drama Vest. No seams!
Just a rectangle with 2 holes. It's part of #3 - Joy of Creating with Fabrics

1. Love and Peace - FREE printable download.

My gift to you. For personal use.

In a world that is going bonkers, I find solitude, peace and joy in creating these doodley people that come out of my heart onto paper. Line by line, doodle by doodle.
ENJOY it! 

"Love and peace starts in our hearts.
We can only truly love, when we love ourselves first.
Go inside, feel the love and peace that is there.
It might be hidden. Keep feeling for it.
Let it fill your heart and from there let it spread into your body and mind.
Radiate it out to others and the world with your eyes and smiles. Making the world a more loving and nurturing place." 

2. Give an old shirt a new life as an art shirt.
Within 5 minutes.

Got a favorite top that you love?
But it has pilling or spills on it?
Take out some paint and give it a new life!

You can use this painting method on just about anything. New or old.

You can save major $$$$ when you make gorgeous hand painted T-shirts, tote bags, shawls etc. as gifts.

I use Dye-Na-Flow paint from Jacquard. But any liquid type of paint or dye will work.

3. Transform any shirt, top, pants, tote bag into a work of art.

Use a ketch-up or squeeze bottle.
2-4 oz of Dye-Na-Flow paint.
But any liquid paint or dye will work.

Paint and squeeze bottles are available at Dharma Trading in the USA. 
Paint is also available at Jerry's Artarama, Dick Blick and local art stores (USA) and Amazon.

Dye-Na-Flow paint is available in most countries around the world - so are squeeze or condiment bottles.  

Paint on any fabric, clothes, canvas, and even create your own Signature home decor items with this playful squirt and splash method.

4. Joy of Creating with Fabrics

Make stunning looking vests, T-shirts, shawls and more. Within minutes to less than an hour.

Transform new and old clothes from blah to wow.  
Turn shawls into tops.  

Easy, flattering patterns. Fast, beautiful results.

Take a sarong or beautiful piece of fabric. Cut 2 holes into it.
There are no seams!
This is one of several beautiful, flattering styles.
They are super simple and super fast. They look fabulous!

5. Joy of Creating with Papers

Splashing paint, smudging it around a paper, experimenting and playing like you did as a kid - it's the most fun way to calm the busy mind, relax the frazzled nerves and feel balanced and joyful.

Enjoy short ways to have fun with paper and paint.

6. Digital Transformation Art

Stunning art doesn't have to take hours - it can literally just take minutes.

Transform a photo of a simple hand painted T-shirt design - or any other photo - into captivating Art.
 With just a few clicks of a mouse.

7. Resources that I use.
Have lots of fun creating with them.

8. Be a VIP - Vibrant Inspired Person.

Get the free, occasional e-letter.

Happy Creating!

Whatever you do - be easy on yourself.
No comparing.
No judging what you create.
No moping.

Be like a kid - create freely and be proud of what you do.

Life's too challenging and too short to waste it with being hard on yourself.
Instead - celebrate yourself, your ability to create and to smile!
You ARE beautiful and creative as you are RIGHT NOW.

Hot Tip!

Put together a Joy-Kit, so you can paint on a whim.

Get a bottle of Dye-Na-Flow and a bottle of TULIP paint.
Fill the Dye-Na-Flow paint into a squeeze bottle or condiment bottle.
Gather some clothes, shawls, tote bags, socks, jeans etc. that you want to paint.

Put it all into a crate or cardboard box.

Add a garbage bag or old blanket to put under your clothes for painting.
Another garbage bag or T-shirt board to stick between the layers of the clothes.

Even if you have just 5 minutes, you can paint a work of art that totally boosts your mood and confidence.

You can wear it the next day!
Or give it as a gift!

Have fun creating!

It is even scientifically proven that it is  essential for your well-being:
emotional, mental AND physical.