Joy of Creating with Papers - painting papers for collages, mixed media, journals, digital art...

An online compilation of short ways to create that are instant mood boosters. They are fun, calming, energizing, easy to do and highly satisfying.

These are fun compilations* of individual short ways to boost joy - by freely splashing, dipping and smearing papers.

Use the papers to create collages, cards, make book covers, jewelry and use them to make fabulous digital art with them.  

*Most of these videos were originally made for social media posts and can have black side borders.

I am passionate about spreading the Joy of Creating around the world!
You can help to spread the joy.
Share the blog, this website and courses with friends, colleagues, groups and family.
Let's sprinkle joy around the world together.

Papers that were splashed with color and India ink - cut up into shapes - glued onto cardstock and ready to turn into totally unique and fun jewelry.
A 4" foam brush dipped into 2 colors - draw circles with it. Fast, fun, fabulous.

Painting on papers without any agenda of doing a masterpiece - just playing for the heck of playing -  is one of the  simplest ways to get from restless and agitated to calm and joyful within minutes.
Sometimes painting on papers is slow and peacefully evolving.
Other times it's splash and squirt and giggling with delight.
Either way - it produces joy.

The more we create with our hands, the more our brain builds neurological pathways for joy! Making our everyday life happier and more joyful.

"You always have the best ideas - and you share them so freely.
Your joy infectious! I am a perfectionist.  
But I am having so much joy playing with paint for the sake of playing.
Who knew I could have this much fun."  Laura H.

Course Curriculum

Join the Community

Be supported, inspired and create with like-minded others in The Creative Freedom and Joy Club -  a safe, private Facebook Group. 

Hello there, I am Monika Astara, your guide in creating for the pure joy of it.

Traditional rules and methods are a mystery to me. They never "clicked". 
For me it's always been about being curious, experimenting and figuring out what can be done with minimal tools and supplies. 
Preferably in short amounts of time. 
While still getting awesome results.

Here you get my unconventional methods that are faster and simpler and I think more fun than traditional ones. 
You get instant gratifications.

I invite you to allow yourself to create for the fun of it - without expectations, judgments and nagging comments in your head.

Play like a kid,  explore and create freely from your heart.
It delights you and fills you with joy.

If you want to know more about me, my background etc. - click below: