...tops where your eyes light up, you stand taller, your voice is stronger. You feel confident and happy. And like you can do anything!
To top it off:
the unconventional methods and patterns are simple, playful, fun and faster than traditional ones.
It's all about being happy and having more joy.
"Monika, what you are offering is something very special. I haven't seen anything like it.
I must say, I quite enjoy splashing paint freely.
It took me out of my comfort zone.
It is quite liberating!"
Lindsay Cash
When you create with the hands, like kids do, and like we do in this program, the brain switches into the pleasure giving center.
You experience that deep joy, satisfaction and calm where you have the confidence and strength to do anything you truly want.
I love how you give us a destination.
Then you show us different ways that we can reach it.
So we can decide if we want to 'go by bus, take a train, fly or drive, or if we want a combination of all'.
It's refreshing and exciting.
...Your instructions are clear, short, to the point.
Indeed: how fun!"
Sunnee Rakowitz
You can then create "Joy on demand" in your everyday life.
Instant JOY - right out of the gate:
You paint 3 tops in your first half hour of course videos.
Even if you have never painted clothes before!
Your joy and happiness meter shoots up.
Your confidence gets a major boost.
And you can't wait to do more!
You can then create with a quiet passion that is all encompassing.
That's where YOUR magic happens.
"You have no creative bone in your body!
God must have been asleep when He created you!"
That's what my art teacher told me for 6 years.
If you've heard similar things - kick those debilitating lies out!
I am living proof that remarks from people, who wanted you to fit into their tiny boxes of rules, don't have to continue to cripple your inner joy.
Nor do they have to stifle your natural urge to fully live your passion.
Despite my teacher's dire assessment of my creativity, I have been a successful full time artist and wearable art designer since 1987.
The Monika Astara creations have been selling in:
high-end boutiques, galleries, retreats, in person at my studio, online and for 13 years also in my own boutique at the Hot Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
I have dressed women for daily life, special occasions, high ticket galas and presidential inaugurations.
I have played with thousands of women to use clothes and jewelry as tools to light up and totally be the radiant beings they truly are.
From the very beginning I have always come up with my own unconventional methods for creating and painting my clothes.
My teacher wasn't a fan of my methods. BUT:
They produce what boutique owners call "high-end, stunning looking pieces."
My clients call them their "happy clothes".
With this Course Program you start where I am after 37 years.
It saves you tons of money and time.
You are in safe hands
Engaging creatively, assisting women to light up and teaching are Monika's lifelong passions.
Monika has played with thousands of women 1:1 and in small groups for 37 years to transform their lives with the power of the RIGHT happy clothes and jewelry for them.
Her extensive German teacher training and experience* comes in handy to teach you with easy-to-follow SHORT steps and videos with instant gratifications.
*Monika has taught in public schools and community colleges in Germany.
She taught all the subjects needed for a GED in a prison in Germany where students had no books.
There were no computers, no copy machines at the time.
So she had to be creative in her teaching for the students to graduate.
In the USA Monika has taught in a community college, on an online art platform and now teaches on her own online course platform, at retreats and in her studio in Austin, Texas, USA.
Name change of the Course:
Originally I called this program "The Ultimate Pattern and Painting Party".
Participants renamed it to "Hand Painted Art Tops, Happiness and Joy".
"Monika, this is fantastic!
You are a natural teacher. Enthusiastic and patient. Love it!
I also love the way you are emphasizing the healing and calming effects of the joy of creating."
Lyn Belisle, artist and international art instructor
1. You have a front row seat for over 9 beautiful hours of clear, playful videos.
Delivered in short, bite sized bits. With instant gratifications.
You look over my shoulder.
With a clear view of every detail of the step by step demonstrations for:
- the 6 fast and simple painting elements of the Signature "Fast and Fabulous" method.
You can create hundreds of designs with them.
- the Monika Astara brand 4 Signature painting methods and their variations.
And how to combine them.
- We use each painting method and the different elements. As well as combinations of all of them.
You select how many tops you want to paint and make.
Remember - it's fast and fabulous.
You can make more in less time than with traditional methods.
- pattern templates for the Monika Astara brand's flattering 2 Signature styles.
In all of the Monika Astara brand sizes.
- how to derive several other gorgeous styles from each of the 2 Signature styles.
- Several videos analyzing Monika's original paint designs.
So you can recreate them for your personal use - or use them as inspiration.
- relaxed step by step sewing videos for both Signature top styles, different neck finishes and pocket finishes.
2.) PDFs for a beautiful a Course Reference and Paint Inspiration Book.
It will inspire and serve you for a lifetime.
3.) Bonuses:
- pattern templates for the 3 Monika Astara Signature pockets.
- pattern templates for the Monika Astara separate Signature collar.
- Drama Vest pattern - and how to wear it 6 ways
- painting the Sunshine design on European linen - in one of the style variations
- 3 pages of resources for materials, paints etc.
- a wholesale module if you want to turn your creations into a business.
4.) You get all future updates for FREE.
And you can attend future versions of the program and live Zoom sessions for free.
5.) You are supported by Monika with 5 live Zoom sessions.
And in our private Facebook Club for however long the Program exists.
In this unconventional, fun program you get MORE painting methods and MORE style variations than with any traditional workshop.
Because the methods and patterns are so super simple and fast, you can make a LOT MORE in a lot LESS TIME.
Which also means:
you get a LOT MORE bang for your buck.
Not at all!
It's the opposite.
There is
- no messy mixing of dyes,
- no endless rinsing and washing that makes you cringe and you don't even start.
- no complicated processes that test your patience.
- no multiple pattern pieces that are like frustrating puzzles.
You get what your heart desires:
- fun, unconventional methods and patterns that are faster than traditional ones.
- one piece patterns that are so simple, you can make the tops in your sleep.
- you create high-end looking, super comfortable tops that make you feel beautiful, radiant and alive.
I show you how to have a "Joy Kit" ready.
You can create beautiful things on a whim within just a FEW MINUTES.
you create briefly after dinner and you have something fun to wear in the morning.
"I am a frustrated abstract painter.
Monika's ways of painting on fabric are so much fun.
It is giving me so much joy and happiness."
Diane Williams
It's a myth.
We are born creative. Just watch kids play.
Diane (in the photo) had argued with me in her true lawyer form for an hour and half that she wasn't creative.
It took 2 minutes to show Diane one of the "Fast and Fabulous" techniques. She then turned her throw-away T-shirt into a fantastic art shirt within 5 minutes.
Even though I had been creating all my life, had been selling to top wearable art boutiques, had thousands of people tell me how creative I was - I didn't believe it.
What I do is so natural and easy for me that I thought any kid can do this.
Meanwhile I realized that's exactly where our creative genius is:
when it's so easy that it seems like child's play.
I have seen the same thing in many people.
They are absolutely original and great in their creative expression.
But because it doesn't match their "idea" of what it means to be creative, they dismiss it.
Then this program might be your answer for being relaxed and happy.
You can literally paint a piece of clothing, a bag or a shawl etc. in just a few minutes in the evening - and wear it the next morning.
It resets your brain and recharges your batteries in ways that are fun and highly gratifying.
Plus: you have beautiful clothes that you can see, touch and wear for many years to come.
- grocery shopping
- at the office
- for appointments
- shining on Zoom
- watching movies while lying on your sofa
- relaxing at home
- for gatherings and parties
- out for dinner
- special occasions
- Saturday morning coffee out
- going for walks
- reading a book ......
"Even Netflix is better when....."
"...and I swear even Netflix is better, when I watch it in one of my tops."
Karla M.
"Monika’s online course has me in my studio making art and having fun!
Using fabric paints with her methods is a lot quicker than the dyeing procedures I usually go through.
Here you get instant joy and gratification at what you’ve created!
The videos are well done. They are short and to the point.
They are well executed, giving you lots of opportunity to try things in short amounts of time as you move through the course.
The course is suited for the beginner as well as those who are experienced in surface design.
If you are hesitating to take the course I can only say 'Jump right in'. "
Linda Thompson, wearable art designer, in one of her first tops she created, using one of the fast and fabulous "Shibori" techniques.
With the help of the bonus wholesale module, Linda's creations have been featured in the prestigious Santa Fe Weaving Gallery.
Everything above.
- 2 personalized Studio Days with Monika at her Studio in Austin, Texas, USA.
- How to turn the Signature style tops into jackets.
You have immediate access to the whole course after signing up for it.
You can log on 24/7.
You can review the lessons as often as you want and whenever it suits you- whether you are in your PJs, dressed up or in your birth suit!
The Course stays online indefinitely. Meaning: for however long I am alive or have this platform.
You are not alone and isolated. You are connected to your Course mates and Monika in our private Facebook Club and with Zoom meetings - during and indefinitely after the Course.
You can also reach Monika by email.
Neither my clients nor I have seen anything like this program.
1.) you get the proprietary painting methods for the Signature designs of the Monika Astara brand that sells in high-end boutiques and galleries. The methods are not available anywhere else.
2.)You get the templates for Monika Astara's Signature top selling styles.
The Joy and the Alison styles. In all of the 4 brand sizes.
3.) You get variations on each style - so you have 10 styles you can create for years to come.
4.)Both - the methods and patterns are fun and faster than traditional ones - saving you lots of time.
Those fast methods are conducive to creating awesome pieces in just short pockets of time.
5.) This course also focuses on creating joy and happiness while making stunning, yet comfortable and flattering pieces of clothing. It allows you to cultivate deep inner joy and calm so that - in the midst of outer disturbances - you can stay joyful, strong and find creative solutions.
It is fun to take courses in person.
- But they are limited to a few hours or a few days.
- Then you are on you own.
- You have to rely on memory and maybe some notes.
- Often the courses you'd love to take are in another location or country.
- Expenses for travel, accommodations and meals add up pretty fast.
With online courses
- you get tremendous value for your dollars with online courses.
- you are virtually taken into the artist's studio.
- you create alongside the artist in the comfort of your home, at your own pace, with a clear view of each step.
- you can revisit your course over and over. You can play and pause whenever and however it suits you.
- you save $$$$$ by not needing gas/plane tickets, overnight accommodations, eating out etc...
- you can create in short time periods that fit into your regular schedule.
- you are supported by me, Monika, and course mates with Zoom and in the private Facebook Group indefinitely.
- you have indefinite access to the course.
- Plus you get great bonuses.
All the information about this comprehensive, unconventional and playful Course is on this page.
If you have any concerns or questions, just call me at 512 - 470 2553 CST.
Or email me through the contact page
I want people who join the Program and myself to be happy.
Therefore you can be assured that I will not talk you into it.
Like with any course or program, the results you get are in your hands.
If you participate and create, you get fun tops and great joy (see the testimonials)!
If you have questions - we have live Zoom sessions for them and the private Facebook Club.
You are supported!
If, what you read on this page, makes your heart beat a bit faster - and you wish you would or could, "if only........" (whatever that if is), then it's a pretty clear indication that it's for you.
Follow your heart - and reap the benefits of having ways to build continued inner calm, joy and happy tops for many years to come.
You can pay in full and you save!
2 monthly payments 4 weeks apart.
3 monthly payments 4 weeks apart.
If you want a payment plan for the VIP option, please contact me or call me at 512 - 470 2553 CST (Austin, USA).
Unless one has done it, it's hard to imagine that it takes months and months to develop these programs.
The content is copyright Monika Astara L.L.C.. It is not to be shared with others. Neither the methods, nor the style patterns etc..
However, feel free to share your finished tops on social media or blogs. I just request that you mention and/or tag Monika Astara.
You will need a sewing machine and preferably also a serger/overlock machine.
If you buy one, I recommend the Brother 1034D.
It's my favorite model. It's a work horse and is only around $270.- to 290.- with shipping included.
(I do not get any money or benefits from recommending it.)
Fabrics. Threads. Scissors.
Dye-Na-Flow fabric paints and a few other materials that are given in the course.
A table to cut out and paint on. It is ideal to have a studio with a larger table - like 4'x8' or 4'x6'
Or have the option to set one up in a garage or (covered) patio.
However, it can be done on a dining room table.
We go over specifics in the course.
If you have questions or concerns, contact me or call me and we'll have a chat: 512 - 470 2553.
It's just a way for you to find out if the course is a good fit for you at this time.
I want both of us to be happy if you decide to join.
Absolutely. All of the course content is optimized for computer and mobile devices.
It might be most fun on a larger screen.
Not at all.
It's great to attend Zoom sessions live - but they are also recorded and you get replays.
The course program itself is fully recorded. You have 24/7 access - you can create, watch, review day or night - any time you want.
Some course clients use the program as their personal "therapy":
they watch it after hard days because it makes them happy.
And instead of going to bed exhausted and with worries, they can go to sleep with happy thoughts afterwards.
You get a total of 10 modules. 8 modules have over 9 hours of short and easy to consume videos that give you instant gratifications at every short step.
This program would be the equivalent of at least 12-14 full days of live courses with traditional methods.
However - with the Monika Astara methods and patterns you get high-end stunning results a lot faster.
Saving you lots of time. So you have fun wearing more finished pieces much faster.
Since the methods and patterns are so simple, you also get more style options and more painting methods than with traditional courses. Meaning, you get more bang for your buck.
You also get
- 2 bonus modules.
- Over 50 PDFs for your "Treasure Chest" aka Course reference and inspiration ring binder.
- You have indefinite access to the program 24/7.
- Private Facebook Club where you get support and can engage with Monika and your course mates indefinitely.
- 4 live Zoom sessions with Monika and course mates over 10 weeks.
- You can attend current and all future Zoom sessions.
- You get all possible future updates for free.
Not at all. However it can be fun and beneficial to interact and share with course mates.
The Club is private. Only you and course mates see what's going on inside.
We also have Zoom sessions that you can participate in.
I will also send out periodic emails, so you can catch up with what's going on.
Absolutely! I am in the private Facebook Club, I will have at least 5 Zoom sessions with you and your course mates - and you can reach me by email, if you are not in the Facebook group.
You are taken care of!
You can also attend future Zoom sessions whenever the Course opens.
USD - US dollars. However, your bank will automatically convert it to your local currency once the charge goes through.
At this point I do not offer scholarships.
If you would like to sponsor a student / students, please contact me!
- You can post them in our private Facebook Club. I will answer them. It will benefit the others, too.
- Or ask the questions in our Zoom sessions.
- If you are not on FB or Zoom, email me at Monika@MonikaAstara.com.
You are taken care of!
"I haven't had joy or happiness in my life for a very long time.
This course is giving me so much joy and happiness!
Thank you!"
Dale H.
- you want to let loose in fun, new ways, without fear of making mistakes.
- you want to be bathed in joy and appreciation for yourself and your ability to create.
Even if you think that you are not creative.
- you long to wear fabulous tops, that make you feel happy and strong in everyday life.
- you want delicious ME-time that nurtures and builds inner your joy and calm - and gives you happy things to wear.
And - you can give them as treasured gifts for years to come.
Here are some examples of our most common "excuses" that our mind uses:
- "not now, I'll do it later". (later usually never comes)
- "I already have too many clothes. "
- "I'd love to, but I don't want to spend the money."
- "I don't have time. Got too much going on already."
- "I might not have the energy right now".
- "I'm already enrolled in another course(s)".
- "what if I don't like it".
In this case: Have a chat with me, Monika.
Get all your questions answered. We can see if we are a good fit for each other - or not. I want you - and me - to be happy if you decide to join.
Sometimes the above are actual reasons.
However, there is a common psychological mechanism that our brain uses to keep us "safe".
When we are in an underlying stress mode - which these days almost everyone is - the brain uses these "logical" sounding reasons to not do something, so we would preserve energy.
It's called a "functional freeze mode".
It prevents us to do the things that would actually energize us and give us joy.
So - it's good to examine if any of the above "reasons" really hold up.
Or if they are either a habit of denying ourselves joy - or if they fit into the underlying stress mode mechanism.
When you create art on paper or canvas, it often gets stuffed into the darkness of drawers or a closet.
When you make art that you can wear, you sprinkle joy wherever you go.
"The videos are excellent!
I used to evaluate teachers for UT (University of Texas). I can tell you were a teacher. Very organized and concise.
With so many courses I feel like I wasted my time and money.
I am loving your course!"
Rae Dollard (jeweler) - in her first top.
Rae made 4 tops in her first week of signing up.
- Get hooked on wanting more:
Transform 3 of your (old) tops into art tops within 15 minutes.
- Paint Elements for the Fast & Fab methods.
They are your secret sauce for creating hundreds and even thousands of stunning, high-end looking designs
- Meet the top selling Alison style - and the woman behind it. It might just become your most favorite and versatile style, too!
- Freely splash paint - and get instant great looking designs that make you happy.
You cannot make mistakes.
It's fun and simple.
- Pick a paint style and splash your first stunning Alison top.
- from black and white to bursts of colors.
- First Faux Shibori.
- the Signature removable collar.
- Paint with black on white or neutral. And then burst into multiple colors.
- First unconventional Shibori methods.
It's instant joy!
- Ready to finish and shine in your Alison top(s).
Have fun modeling it to rave reviews by your friends and family.
- "Analyze me" videos:
how to look at Monika Astara paint designs and analyze them - so you can recreate them for your personal clothes - or use them for inspirations to go wild on your own.
- Keep yourself happy and in fun styles for life: variations of the one piece Alison pattern. You get templates, too.
- Playful exploration time:
what works, what doesn't.
Add it to your Treasure Chest.
- More of Monika's Signature details:
- "well rounded" Signature pocket.
- "frame your face"
- the Monika Astara Signature neck finish.
- Super fun and instantly gratifying:
unconventional "faux Shibori" techniques.
You can make hundreds of fabulous looks with just these faux Shibori methods.
- We start 2nd best selling style - the Joy Tunic. Another fabulous one piece pattern.
- Plus how to make other styles from it.
So you have a variety of great styles.
- "Magnificent Three" technique:
roar with joy when you mix all the techniques on samples - and:
- paint a stunning, high-end looking Joy tunic.
The "Magnificent Three" method gives you boundless freedom to create stunning, high-end designs.
It looks super complicated and artful - but is jaw-droppingly simple with this Signature technique combo.
- Efficiently and beautifully create your own Paint Library and Paint Diaries.
So you can recreate your designs - or use them for further explorations.
- "Analyze me" videos:
be inspired and learn how to analyze Monika's designs so you can recreate them step by step. It gives you endless painting inspirations.
- Bonus: Drama Vest - no seams!
Fun, fast, fabulous looking .
- Create gorgeous, intriguing looks with just black paint.
- Sunshine Design on white European linen top. (see photo above)
- Templates for 3 more fun Signature pockets that you won't see anywhere else.
- Fabric and Supply sources.
- PDFs to add to your Treasure Chest.
This is for you if you are itching to turn your art clothing into a business.
- How to sell to boutiques.
- How to find boutiques without a sales representative.
- Pricing, line sheets examples etc.
Mission Accomplished
Celebrate our wins, our joys, our fabulous tops, shawls and whatever else we created.