Often we assume that getting calmer & happier takes time and effort. We postpone it due to perceived lack of time or energy. But it can be fun & fast.
Yes - it can be fun and fast to cultivate sustainable JOY.
You simply need unconventional methods that are inherently relaxing and joyful.
Throughout my almost 40 years as an artist I have always come up with my own methods.
They are totally simple, playful and faster than traditional ones.
The stunning artwork and pillows in the photo above are detail photos of doodles and papers that were smudged with childlike joy. Within just a few minutes.
(It's part of the Creative Joy Course.)
When we create like kids do - with curiosity and no expectations - magic happens!
There's now even a plethora of scientific research that proves that creating with our hands has remarkable effects on our well-being on all levels:
emotional, mental and physical.
It works so well because engaging creatively builds neurological pathways for JOY in the brain.
With the way the outer world is putting strain on our well-being, I am more determined than ever before to provide you with short, unconventional, fast ways to engage creatively.
With the focus on increasing SUSTAINABLE JOY with fun, unconventional methods.
So you can live everyday being calm and happy inside. Regardless of personal or outer circumstances.
Instead of getting frustrated with challenges, you can then stay balanced and find creative solutions.
The Creative Joy course is the result of me having had to deal with pretty intense challenges - physical, emotional and mental - for over 8 years.
I had to find ways to create inner calm and find inner joy despite at times excruciating pain and ensuing panic attacks.
Nothing simple, fun and fast working existed.
Regular ways of creating were nice.
But they didn't give that deep inner calm and joy that is sustainable in difficult circumstances.
So I had to come up with my own ways.
Those who have been engaging with the Creative Joy Course or my Zoom doodling sessions have experienced great joy literally within minutes.
They have called it "therapeutic". "Instant joy".
Going from "being frazzled to feeling relaxed and tickled happy" within minutes.
As an extra bonus I show you how you can have detail photos of your doodles and smudges turned into awesome products that you will enjoy for years.
In the pictures below you can see detail photos of some doodled and smudged papers printed onto T-shirts, canvas, pillows etc..
The photos are from the Creative Joy Course.
Doesn't it look totally mind boggling to get such amazing art from doodles and smudges.
There's absolutely no talent required.
And no fancy materials either.
I invite you to consider the Creative Joy Course as a beautiful, fun way to create sustainable inner calm and joy for yourself.
It's truly amazing how much more beautiful and easier life becomes when you are peaceful on the inside and have more energy to do things you love.
It would be wonderful to hear from you!
Use this link to write or comment or tell me where you are at in your life.
I wish you beautiful creative times - so your inner joy and calm get replenished regularly.
And you can live your everyday life with sweet inner balance, joy and happiness.
P.S. Click here for FREE short ways to create.
P.S.: If you want a private Facebook community to engage in, join the free Creative Freedom and Joy ClubHERE.
Categories: : musings